The Learning Curve—History.

The Learning Curve—History.

Well, I finally took the giant leap and made it past the learning curve for Wordpress, it took awhile, the two blogging platforms are completely different. Not only am I understanding Wordpress, I am using the Thesis theme, and I can say I am very pleased. I have been working hard at figuring this stuff out; the language of html and css is not my expertise, although my brain is accepting... Read more »


The Village Life, Part Six, The Friendliest Neighbor!

The Village Life, Part Six, The Friendliest Neighbor!

The above picture is Peter, my immediate neighbor across the street. He is one of the nicest neighbors I have experienced. Referring to my culture there is not many exemplary neighbors that surface except for a mature gay couple that I lived next to in Aptos in the Santa Cruz area. A couple of thirty dedicated years that were the kindness most friendly neighbors. Experiencing the cultural interactions... Read more »


The Village Life, Part Five—The Crazy Syndrome.

The Village Life, Part Five—The Crazy Syndrome.

From the countries that I have traveled, from Egypt to Turkey, the Levant, Greece and Bulgaria, one common phrase that is predominant among different cultures is "crazy". Several occasions while visiting a local individual would refer to someone else that they are "crazy". I never knew the english term "crazy" is an utmost popular phrase within the different cultures of the world. Most travel writers... Read more »


Link Transfer—Corporate Domination.

Link Transfer—Corporate Domination.

I am mostly at the end of organizing this template except for new gadgets on the side bar and possibly in the footer. I am going to go with this new arrangement for the next year with the new domain and the template, at that time I will decided to stay with Blogger or move to self-hosted Wordpress. All of the links are now on its own page. I went through all the site links I had, and, that proved... Read more »


A Whirled of Christmas

A Whirled of Christmas

Growing up I have had the privilege to spend Christmas in a “whirled” of places.  The contrast could not be much more drastic from Hutchinson, Kansas to Tandala, Democratic Republic of Congo, or from Albertville, France, to Bangkok, Thailand. Fruit Vendor in Nairobi 1.  Albertville, France- 1991 By far my whitest Christmas was spent in Albertville, situated at the base of the Alps in... Read more »


A New Template Today.

A New Template Today.

Today I loaded my new template that I decided with. All the links that are on the footer for now, will be on a link page with its own subheading. I will be going through of the links, and any blogs that have been abandon will be in its own category, next to active blogs. I will working on the template, and tweaking the features, colors, and working on updating the navagation bar links. I am going... Read more »


New Address and Template Searching.

New Address and Template Searching.

Lately I have been busy searching for a new template for my travel blog. A few changes will be occurring. I bought a new domain name which is effective today, this blog will have the new address of, will be forwarded in a day or so, and will be forwarded, too. I have a couple of templates that I am closely looking at. In... Read more »


3 Days in Hong Kong

3 Days in Hong Kong

A three day break from teaching English in Thailand was clearly a justifying claim for a brief excursion to Hong Kong from Bangkok.  I arrived mid afternoon to the very friendly and high tech airport.  The airport link train located literally inside of the airport was an easy ride to Hong Kong train station. Hong Kong View from Window Through the green forested mountains we traveled.  For a jiffy... Read more »


The First Snow—Bulgaria.

The First Snow—Bulgaria.

Today is the first snow here in Bulgaria. In the Bulgarian language snow is pronounced "Sa'nack, kind of like "snack" but with the emphasis in the "nack". When I first heard the word I though they were taking about having a snack. I love the snow, I think it provides a beautiful atmosphere, but not in a city where they use salt. This next month I will be working and changing the template on this... Read more »


The Village Life, Part Four—Bulgaria.

The Village Life, Part Four—Bulgaria.

This is a common site around many small villages and especially in the mountains in Bulgaria. I captured this picture while I was sitting in my car at the library on Skype. This Gypsy lady made a couple of trips down the street hauling large bags on her back. There are some Bulgarians of the older generation that are completely hunch over at the waist. This lady could stand upright; however, from... Read more »
